
Paul Dubé


Ontario Ombudsman
Office of the Ombudsman of Ontario


The Ontario Ombudsman is an independent, impartial officer of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario who resolves and investigates more than 25,000 public complaints per year about more than 1,000 public sector bodies, including provincial ministries, agencies, corporations, boards, commissions and tribunals, as well as municipalities, universities, school boards, and French language services.
On May 1, 2019, the Ombudsman received oversight authority over any matter concerning a young person with respect to services provided by a children aid society, residential licensee (foster home, group home) and secure mental health treatment centre. The Ombudsman has created a dedicated Children and Youth Unit to deal with cases related to children and youth.
The Ombudsman can also take complaints about other issues affecting young people, such as school boards; universities; colleges; the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services; the Child and Family Services Review Board; and other provincial government social services.

All children have the right to speak their own language and practice their own religion or culture.

Art. 30 – Convention on the Rights of the Child


The Children and Youth Unit takes complaints from children, youth and adults. Anyone who feels like they have not been treated fairly, or who is experiencing a problem with a children aid society, residential licensee (foster home, group home), youth justice facility or secure mental health treatment centre should contact the Ombudsman for assistance.
The Ombudsman can:
  • Review and resolve complaints
  • Conduct individual and systemic investigations
  • Initiate own-motion investigations
  • Recommend solutions to problems
  • Provide information on the rights of children and youth in care under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017
  • Connect people to resources or others who can help.