New Brunswick

Kelly Lamrock


Child and Youth Advocate
Office of the Child and Youth Advocate


To view or download a more detailed overview of the Mandate, Authority and Provision of Service for this office, click here.

All children have the right to an adequate standard of living.

Art. 27, Convention on the Rights of the Child

The Child and Youth Advocate has a mandate to:

  • Ensure that the rights and interests of children and youths are protected;
  • Ensure that the views of children and youths are heard and considered in appropriate forums where those views might not otherwise be advanced;
  • Ensure that children and youths have access to services and that complaints that children and youths might have about those services receive appropriate attention;
  • Provide information and advice to the government, government agencies and communities about the availability, effectiveness, responsiveness, and relevance of services to children and youths; and
  • Act as an advocate for the rights and interests of children and youths generally.


Provision of services includes:

  • Education and Outreach
  • Advice to Government
  • Individual Case Advocacy
  • Systemic Case Advocacy
  • Investigations
  • Empowering Youth Voices